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The Company

Wexus is an AgTech company that builds SAAS software to help farmers manage their energy, water and other natural resources. Their goal is to help growers save money, time, energy, and water.

My Role

User Research, Personas, User Interviews, User Journey, User App Flow, Wireframes, Icon Design, Prototyping, and User Testing

The Problem

Equipment Mapping Feature is difficult to use

With the initial launch of Wexus, a map tool was included with the intention of allowing users to find metered equipment using geolocation data and pull information on that particular meter. However, initial feedback indicated that users found the tool difficult to use. In an effort to fix this, I conducted research to understand what users found most cumbersome and what best practices were with mapping tools.

Original Mapping Tool

Once I had compiled all of the data, I arrived at a list of pain points to address:

  • Header difficult to read

  • Navigation to find specific metered equipment was tough to understand

  • Given the large amount of open space in farming counties, the map was too small and vague

  • Not enough helpful information about equipment on the map

  • The symbolism of what each pin represented was unclear

The Solution

Increase adoption of map tool by improving navigation and readability

With my collected research and knowledge on what needed to be improved, I decided to redesign the map to update the visual style, increase usability and navigational abilities, and increase the amount of directly available equipment information.


Cleaner Map

The new mapping tool allocated more space to the actual map and used a satellite version of a map since it helped show different fields and small dirt roads more easily. The old location pins were swapped out and replaced with ones that had color coded icons on them indicating what type of device the electrical meter was dedicated to.


In addition to being able to click and drag across the map to find meters, a navigation bar was added to the top of the map so customers could select a specific ranch or piece of equipment they want to see and the map would automatically recenter to the desired location.


Equipment information

When a pin was clicked on, an overlay would slide onto the map giving a quick rundown of critical information about the piece of equipment to allow customers to make in-the-moment decisions as well as remotely turn the piece of equipment on or off. The overlay also includes a button to redirect the customer to the specified equipment’s dashboard for even more details information.