"What If I Don't Like It?" 

While many Millennials are curious about attending the symphony they are not well versed enough in symphonic music to confidently pick a concert to match their taste. I ventured to create a fun and engaging digital solution to intro.

Discover Symphonic Taste Via A Game

Since we were working under the assumption that the majority of our target audience had little to no experience with the symphony we wanted our solution to empower Millennials with the knowledge they would need about music, by helping them identify their taste in “classical” music, as well as provide information about SFS itself to help them jump over any mental hurdles and start thinking about SFS as a regular option for their evening or weekend activities.


UX Research, Personas, Journey Map, User flow, Wireframe & Prototype


Creating A Solution For Millennials

Our research revealed two distinct problems

▸  People select events based on familiarity with a genre or artist but have no confidence in their ability to select a symphony performance to match their taste. 

▸  Social context is important, the majority of Millennials choose events to attend because their friends like an event and want to go but this same group assumes that none of their friends want to go to the symphony. 

Persona Developement

Invite Users Into The Process

We knew the solution would have to allow users to easily discover their music taste. I started to sketch out rough wireframes of several different solutions and test them on potential users. After several rounds, I was able to see a clear pattern for which would be the most successful.

With a specific solution in mind, I created a flow that would allow, users to access the website easily from social media, easily make their way through the game to their results and finally, share those results with their friends.

Like Or Dislike Music, Similar To Pandora But With A Tinder-like Interface

Since research had told us Millennials did not want to download an app for the symphony, we made the solution a mobile responsive website since most users would reach it via their phones. Try out the clickable prototype here

The Game

Currated Results

Education / Social Sharing / Notifications


Our mobile website effectively helped newcomers learn their symphonic music taste, provided personalized and social concert discovery and sent timely, personalized ticket and price information. All of this together created a solution geared toward inspiring a new generation of symphony-goers. I suspect that as more people play the game, we will be able to better refine results to create an even better experience.